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Friday, October 27, 2023

The Human Heart

 The human heart is the most deceitful of all things, and desperately wicked. - Jeremiah 17:9

Darlene and I had an opportunity to see the new Martin Scorsese movie this week, Killers of the Flower Moon (based on the book of the same title by David Grann). The movie told the story on the silver screen of how a supposedly Christian white man (and his associates) systematically murdered an Osage Indian family in Oklahoma so as to secure the rights to the profits from oil discovered on their lands. As we watched the sad tale unfold, it made me think of that passage from Jeremiah (quoted above) and of the things that European Christians told themselves to justify their murder/theft of/from Native Americans and enslavement and abuse of their African brethren.

They justified their atrocious and inexcusable behavior by dehumanizing the objects of their exploitation - making themselves superior to their prey. They told themselves that those dark-skinned folks were ignorant, pagan, and lazy savages who had failed to properly use or develop the resources which had been committed to their care. Moreover, as educated, Christian, industrious, and civilized men, everyone should realize that they were entitled to take over what those inferior folks had forfeited any right/claim to!

Never mind that God had said: You must NOT murder. You must NOT steal. Love your neighbor as yourself. Do to others whatever you would like them to do to you. Yes, even folks who have professed themselves to be followers of Jesus Christ have convinced themselves that some of the most abhorrent behaviors in human history were morally good and justified. Which brings another verse to mind: There is a path before each person that seems right, but it ends in death. - Proverbs 14:12

1 comment:

  1. The human heart and sin are not popular subjects in this day and age even among religious folk. While some might admit they are "sinners" or they make mistakes, most of the time it was someone else's fault or they were having a bad day, they knew better and didn't mean it, and in reality they are "good" people. Even church organizations play that game with their refusal to acknowledge mistakes or willingness to blame their failures on their congregation or Satan the adversary.

    This subject is thoroughly covered by the theologian E.W. Bullinger in his comprehensive work, "The 2 Natures in the Child of God". I don't always agree with some of his conclusions, but in the arena of the human heart he is fearless and completely faithful to God's revelation on the subject.

    The book explains the many names and characteristics of the 2 natures in detail (carnal vs. spiritual, old man, new man etc.).

    It explains the conflict between the 2, Galatians 5:17.

    It explains how the old nature is usually delt with by carnal man (by self effort, trying to improve himself through rules, carnal ordinances, or slogans on T-shirts such as " stop hate" or "stop racism") versus God's way of being dead and risen with Christ.

    He explained our responsibility as to both natures (feed the new, starve the old).

    He says this distinction is the one thing that separates " religion " from true Christianity (compare the Pharisees with Jesus Christ)!

    If one wants a detailed study on the human heart and God's remedy I highly recommend this booklet!
