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Saturday, July 4, 2020

Armstrongism and Trumpism

The Armstrong Churches of God have always taken a dim view of higher education, science and traditional religions. Likewise, their familiarity with (and support of) racist ideology is an integral part of the history of the movement. Even so, the heirs of Herbert Armstrong have taken his views to a whole new level of ugly.

It is ironic that something that once purported to be apolitical has devolved into something that is wholly in the camp of Donald Trump. Don’t believe me? Go to any ACOG website and peruse their offerings on current affairs OR just read some of the commentary regarding the posts on Banned by HWA! The vast majority of these folks are deniers of climate science, multiculturalism, globalism, progressivism, environmentalism and historical revisionism. Like their favorite president, they are anti-immigration, rabid nationalists, pro-authoritarian, protectionist, paternalistic, misogynistic and anti-mask wearing (Covid-19).

In recent months, I’ve written about the Church of God International’s extreme views on race and Covid-19. Likewise, Gary has posted numerous pieces that reflect the views of Pack, Weston, Flurry and Thiel on these topics. In short, the evidence for rampant Trumpism within the ranks of the Armstrong Church of God is overwhelming. Most of these folks no longer even bother to offer any pretense that they are attempting to appeal to a wider audience.

Even so, I must admit that I am still surprised at the degree to which some of these folks have gone down the rabbit hole. Take for instance, the United Church of God’s Melvin Rhodes’ latest post on his blog, The African Solution (see https://melvinrhodes.wordpress.com/). After a brief discussion of the policy of some African nations limiting white immigration, Rhodes writes: “In the West, our emphasis is different. In 1971, Canada was the first country to officially adopt multiculturalism. Other nations in the western world quickly followed. Diversity became all the rage. In spite of the fact that it obviously doesn’t work, whenever there are riots or tensions between ethnic groups, leaders respond by saying that we need more diversity, not less. It’s also impossible to achieve full equality between ethnic groups. People clearly want to live with people of their own culture. It’s only natural.”

He continues: “Enforcing diversity is only going to backfire. Separation is perfectly acceptable. Africans have long been saying ‘Africa for the Africans.’ So why not ‘Europe for the Europeans’? And America for the . . . ?  (That’s a question for the Supreme Court!)” He goes on to suggest that perhaps its time for African Americans to consider returning to Africa! Rhodes concludes: “Separation of the races is likely to be considered ‘racist’ in today’s western World. But can it be racist when African governments themselves are embracing the idea?” If you think I’m making this stuff up, go to his website and read the article for yourself!

And then there is the Armstrong heir apparent, Mark Armstrong. In his latest “Weekly Update” from Tyler, Texas, Armstrong writes: “Has it occurred to anyone that the same people lecturing us about how racist our country is, how racist we are, and how the mob has a righteous cause, are the same ones hyperventilating because there's no mask mandate? Well, our Texas governor has fixed that in what was once presumed to be one of the freest states of all. Now you will be warned, and after that fined up to $250.00 for each infraction of entering a public space without your ‘face-covering.’ It's about ‘keeping everyone safe,’ of course.”

Mark goes on to tell his followers that the current increase in Covid cases is due to folks going back to hospitals and doctors for other conditions after a virus induced hiatus. He writes: “There's your spike. People are going to the hospital or clinic, and they're reported as corona-virus cases even though that has nothing to do with their doctor visit. It's all a little too convenient for those who want America destroyed. Don't expect the ‘news’ people to ever let this virus go.  It's made these big demonstrations possible. After all, nobody's in school, and in most of the major population centers work has been canceled.” Armstrong continues: “For whatever reason, everyone seems to want to appease the mob. Nobody, save the president and a tiny handful of voices, has dared stand firm against the mob and its demands. Instead, appeasement is all trusted conservative officials are doing. The communist insurrection is the virus that is bringing down the formerly greatest nation, and it wouldn't be happening without the virus. For years they claimed NO FEAR. They have no fear of breaking God's Commandments. But you? You better fear to go in public, and obey all MANDATES, or the state will get its pound of flesh.”

Really? This stuff is CRAZY! African Americans are an integral part of America’s story. The first Africans arrived in what is now the U.S.A. the year before the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth! African American labor and expertise helped to build America. These are the facts of real history. Slavery happened. Jim Crow and discrimination happened. Lynchings happened. This is all part of our history. George Washington and Thomas Jefferson were great men, but they also owned hundreds of human beings made in the image of God! Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson were great generals, but they were also traitors to the United States of America!

Yes, we are going to have to learn to live with Covid-19 – at least, until we have an effective vaccine. However, that will NOT be accomplished by ignoring face coverings and social distancing – these are the very things that will help us to live with this new threat. In my humble opinion, the most pernicious thing that Donald Trump has done since taking the oath of office is to politicize mask wearing. And, just for the record, most of us folks who wear masks and practice social distancing have NO desire to see America destroyed.

The Armstrong Churches of God can have Donald Trump and all of his policies. And I hope their fortunes continue to decline with those of their favorite president!


  1. Its true, I saw the mysical Showboat and you can see in the background, behind Ava Gardner singing, dark colored persons building America in the process, while the boat rolls on. Another case can be made for cars in Detroit.

    It is a matter of perspective. Where in this comment I pointed out "color" a classical european would not have noticed the color but the "working class."

    At times "the otherness", and "marxist class distinction" coincide. AS WITH COVID STATISTICS in particular groups.

    HWA would NEVER have been Trumpian for he was an internationalist, globalist Wilsonian (including the racism of Wilson). HWA looked at moral character of leaders, albeit overlooking private failures and HWA's bestseller talked only of nuclear destruction of East Coast cities, so he didnt like city slicker money makers like donald much over midwestern industrialists making summer residences in Sunny Pasadena.

    We are in times of cultural revolution and hwa did propagate "israel" as america. So it is logical cog today fell into the trap of siding with the last defender of traditional cultural white america before it transforms (or transcends, depending on your viewpoint) into something new.

    But it is impossible to deny or observe, that something new is coming and no revolution goes without friction and friction is science speak for war.

    So a cultural war is raging. And COG are siding because they are young. Catholics know how to survive after 2000 years of upheaval.


  2. I only lasted six months in the CGI. They kind of typify the southern democrats of the 1950's from my experience. For the record, Trump didn't politicize mask wearing. That is a MSM talking point full of half-truths. The President said it should be a personal choice and to follow CDC guidlines. The FLOTUS was even teaching people how to make a mask from scarves, etc. back in early April when masks were in short supply. I also have ample proof of the MSM, whitehouse pool reporters, Fauci, Democrat politicians immediately removing their masks when the cameras are turned off. I can only remember one time when Trump took his mask OFF for the cameras before putting it back on. By the way, I have a couple of different masks that I take with me when I go out. The doctor's office required me to wear one for my appointment and if a store demanded I wear it, I probably would to get what I need. But one thing I would never do is surrender to a mob.

  3. 1950's southern democrats

    When I received their media in the late eighties I got the same feeling. A distinct former korea veteran, "this is the country that I love", flavor.

