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A Warning of Impending Punishment OR An Announcement of Salvation Through Jesus Christ?

As longtime readers of this blog know, I have devoted a great many posts over the years to attacking the messaging  of the Armstrong Churche...

Thursday, January 11, 2024

We're just telling you what God's word says about that!

Armstrongites (and other Fundamentalist Christians who subscribe to traditional views of sexual morality) have a short list of passages which they use to condemn homosexuals, feminists, folks who engage in premarital sex, folks who support abortion rights, and teenagers who dare to masturbate. Moreover, they are completely immune to any alternate interpretations of those passages, or any suggestion that some of the commandments or concepts contained in Scripture might be the product of cultural bias or limited knowledge. In other words, without these passages, these folks would have to forgo the joy of condemning others!

"We have to cry aloud and show God's people their sins," they say. Moreover, they absolutely hate it when someone happens to point out that God gave those instructions to the prophet Isaiah for Israel. Want to see them get really upset? Remind them about the account of the woman about to be stoned in the Gospel of John, or Christ's instructions about NOT judging each other. By the way, I thought that the Bible was written to help us to identify sins in our lives, and that the Holy Spirit actually leads folks to repent of their sins? Have Armstrongites decided that the Catholics were right after all - that we really do need ministers to act as intermediaries between us and God? And what about worrying about your own sins before you go about trying to point out someone else's sins?

Finally, why does the New Testament refer to the Christian message as the gospel or "good news." Doesn't that moniker suggest a positive message - a message about forgiveness, redemption, reconciliation, and salvation? Was Jesus focused on the sinfulness of his audiences and society? OR Was he focused on revealing God's Kingdom and righteousness to them? In other words, are you really just telling us what God's word says about our behavior? OR Are you trying to shame or scare us into repentance? OR Does warning people about their sins make you feel more righteous or somehow superior to them? AND I know that it could NEVER happen, but what if you are actually wrong about some of the behaviors you've condemned?

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