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Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Calling Evil Good and Good Evil

Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! - Isaiah 5:20, ESV

The Armstrong Churches of God like to portray "Christians" who do not subscribe to their teachings regarding the obligation of Christians to obey the commandments of Torah as rebellious and disobedient. They are turning grace into a "license to sin" or "permission to do evil." They claim that those of us who reject the notion that Christians are under the terms of the covenant that God made with Israel "would do anything to avoid obeying God and keeping His laws."

Never mind, that that is NOT what many of us have believed, practiced, or taught! This blog, for instance, has taught that:

1. Jesus Christ drew two commandments from Torah (love for God and neighbor) and told his disciples that they comprehended and fulfilled the entire law of God.

2. Christians are responsible for applying the intent of the law (love) to every situation or circumstance they might face in this life. Hence, there is no need for written instructions to do this or that or for specific commandments prohibiting some behavior. Unlike the scribes and Pharisees, Christians should NOT need a list.

3. Christ's version of God's law is much more comprehensive and relatable than the version which was given to the children of Israel at Mount Sinai. For example, it's NOT enough to refrain from going to bed with someone who isn't your spouse - a Christian must not indulge in thinking about going to bed with someone who isn't his/her spouse. Likewise, it's NOT enough to refrain from taking a pistol and shooting someone - a Christian must NOT allow themselves to indulge in angry, hateful, or vengeful thoughts.

4. True love requires that we exercise the fruits of God's Spirit in how we interact with other humans, and that we must NOT indulge in any behavior that hurts/harms someone else, dishonors God, or abuses/disrespects his gifts to us.

5. We understand that obeying God's commandments will NOT justify us before God, earn for us salvation, or secure us a place in His Kingdom - that that was accomplished for us through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth. Once again, our obedience is simply an expression of our love.

Hence, the charge that we are turning grace into "a license to sin" or "permission to sin" is the equivalent of calling evil good and good evil.

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