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Wednesday, August 18, 2021

A Pattern of Deception Among the Anti-Mask/Vaccine Folks

Dennis Diehl recently posted a humorous take on Rand Paul's ridiculous dribble about Covid-19 over at Banned by HWA. As usual, there were some interesting and outrageous comments in the thread which followed. Moreover, as this is currently one of the hottest topics in the Christian community, I thought it would be instructive to share a few of them here (including some of my own):

Anonymous 8/17 @ 4:35 wrote: There are numerous highly effective treatments for covid and the vaccine is not one of them. Tricking your body into producing the very toxin it is supposed to fight is a dangerous slope to get onto. Apparently it crosses the blood/brain barrier. It will be interesting to see what happens in the next few years to those that were injected.

Simply applying critical thinking skills to the stories coming from the government, along with the effort to force the vaccine on everyone, should reveal that there is something rotten in Denmark.

NeoTherm wrote: The amount of disinformation about Covid that a few people nurture is dismaying. And the illogic with which they use their scant medical knowledge is also alarming. I know that such minds, proud in error, cannot be reasoned with along normal lines of logic.

So, resonate with this exercise in simplicity. The Great Disinformer himself got vaccinated last January. And the Great Disinformer was not eager to let you find out about this. In fact, the Great Disinformer is a germphobe. But he does not mind sending you into harm's way while he snuggles under protection far behind the lines of engagement. Some of the most pitiful of his human chattel do not believe he was ever vaccinated. But it is well established. So the Great Disinformer, thanks to medical science, will be around for a while to, well, disinform.

BP8 wrote: So let's be logical. This discussion about covid19 and vaccinations is not about Trump or politics but TRUST! We are to trust these institutions responsible for the 3rd leading cause of deaths in this country and whose irresponsibility factors into the 1st leading cause, heart disease? So instead of "learning from our mistakes" we have the opioid crisis, the over prescribing of antibiotics and the over medication/poly pharmacy debacle to name a few! And Big brother pharma, JJ, Pfizer, and AZ, convicted and fined for misconduct, spreading misinformation and fraud? Sounds like rank laziness and greed, not "experience being the best teacher"!!

Trust whom you will, but I can't trust institutions whose sole purpose and service to mankind is to get rid of the consequences of sin without getting rid of sin itself! If the " love of money " doesn't apply to these guys, it doesn't apply to anybody!

I wrote: Public health measures related to Covid-19 are like so many other issues currently confronting our society - uninformed OPINION has been given equal weight to scientific research. Yes, it is certainly true that the pharmaceutical industry has many problems (largely motivated by their insatiable appetite for profits), but the development of mRNA vaccines has been a very positive development. Moreover, things like quarantines and face masks are just plain old common sense tools to mitigate the spread of disease. Are they 100% effective? NO, nothing in this life is! Microscopic germs are going to sometimes slip through the obstacles we erect and infect people, and no vaccine is completely effective in preventing disease. Unfortunately, bacteria and viruses mutate and develop resistances over time (and all of that is aided and abetted by people who refuse to get them). Science seeks truth - it tests hypotheses. By its very nature, Science is continually accommodating new and better information - THAT IS NOT AN EXCUSE TO IGNORE IT or give equal weight to some nut job's conspiracy theory!

The real question for Christians is: What is the appropriate Christian response? In other words, what should a follower of Jesus Christ do in this instance? For those of us so inclined, we have a record of the things Jesus Christ taught to his followers known as the New Testament. In that book, we are told that Christ taught his followers to be respectful and deferential to government authorities and to accede to their will as long as it doesn't contradict or conflict with their obligation to obey God (and even in those instances, Jesus taught that his disciples should submit to whatever penalty or punishment those civil authorities wished to impose on them in such circumstances). Christ also stressed that we should love each other and minister to each others needs. Moreover, Christ's chief apostle (Paul) taught that your rights and freedoms as a Christian should NEVER be used as an excuse to violate your brother's or sister's conscience. Finally, when Christ was confronted by Satan about God's ability and willingness to protect him from harm, he reminded Satan that God's protection was not something to be tested or taken for granted - that faith didn't need a demonstration or proof. Hence, it is very hard to see how someone who professes to be a Christian could justify being part of the anti-vaxxer or anti-mask crowd!

James wrote: The Painful Truth has reported on this for a year and a half. There are virologists all over the world that say its not a vaccination including the former CEO of Pfizer. It is prion creator (bio-weapon) which turns the 'vaxed' into a carrier. Where the f-ck do you do your research?

A example can be found here. https://herbertwarmstrong.com/category/vaccinations/

There is a sh-t load you can do for yourself to protect yourself from any cold virus like covid19. But some people cannot or choose not to do the proper research.

My advice is to skip the jab. It gets into your DNA and chromosomes. When rats were tested on they all died within 6 months. It most likely will take 1-3 years for a human being to bite the dust.

I would rather trust my own research over medical charlatans like fauci. Didn't any of you learn anything from your cult experience? Apparently not.

Anonymous 8/18 @ 2:19 wrote: Miller Jones

The science of face masks is debated within the medical community. The recycled air one breathes when mask wearing is medically harmful. Governments have politicized COVID to acclimatize their subjects to tyranny. This is not what Christ had in mind when he instructed Christians to submit to government.

In my books, you and NEO agree with the narrative and goals of the left wing mainstream media. These goals are not Christian.

I wrote: The Painful Truth is reliably anti-science where Covid-19 is concerned, but it is NOT a reliable source of medical information. Herbert Armstrong is the one who denigrated and dismissed ALL human authorities (science, medicine, religion, education, history/politics, etc.) Hence, from my perspective, the cult mindset is perpetuated by those who continue his practice of denigrating and rejecting those authorities.

There is a right and a wrong way to do research - all successful college students learn this their freshman year! All sources are not equal. Hence, a few good sources buries a multiplicity of bad/inferior/unreliable sources. Moreover, just as scripture is best interpreted in context and by the entire weight of the references/evidence contained therein, scientific or medical advice is best received in the same fashion. In other words, outliers (medical professionals, scientists and studies) should not be given the same weight as the consensus opinion in the field. Finally, if you reject/take yourself out of the mainstream, you are by definition outside of what is regarded as orthodox/normal/conventional.

Finally, with regard to masks, when one compares the pandemic experiences of Western nations (like the U.S. - where mask wearing is considered awkward and restrictive) with those of Eastern nations (like China - where mask wearing is culturally acceptable), it appears that mask wearing has been efficacious in reducing the impact of the pandemic. Now, admittedly, this could be considered anecdotal evidence, but sometimes good old common sense goes a long way in demonstrating the more appropriate course of action!

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