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Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Calling Out A FALSE Prophet

The leader of the so-called Philadelphia Church of God, Gerald Flurry, has had an article posted in The Trumpet magazine entitled Why Donald Trump Will Remain America's President. In the article, Flurry states: "By most appearances, Joe Biden will be America’s next president. But I absolutely do not believe that at all. Mr. Trump will weather this storm too. Regardless of what the media says or how things look right now, I am confident Donald Trump will remain president." Why did Gerry believe this? He said: "Because a Biden presidency is contrary to Bible prophecy."

He went on to say: "The Bible has a lot to say about Donald Trump and his presidency. The main prophecies are in the book of Kings and in Amos 7, and several other passages speak more generally about America under his leadership. God cannot lie! These end-time prophecies must be and will be fulfilled!" For Flurry, Donald Trump is represented in Bible prophecy by King Jeroboam II of ancient Israel. He went on to write: "2 Kings 14:26-27 show that God used Jeroboam ii as “a savior.” This is also true of the modern-day Jeroboam. It is a temporary salvation, just as it was under Jeroboam ii before Assyria finally conquered the nation. Still, God uses this man to ensure Satan and the men he uses do not blot out the name of Israel! And this job is not yet finished! The modern Jeroboam doesn’t know any of this, but the prophecy in Amos 7 shows that God will explain it to him before it’s over. We have to get this message to him, and we haven’t done so yet. This is another reason I am confident Jeroboam is not going to disappear from the scene!"

Although most Christians are accustomed to thinking of Jesus Christ in the role of Savior, Mr. Flurry sees Trump as a kind of savior for the United States. Moreover, Gerry reiterated his conviction that God was not finished with The Donald. He wrote: "Is his job finished? No, it isn’t. So I don’t believe at all that he will depart from the scene! I still believe these prophecies are 100 percent accurate. This means this nation is about to be shocked. I believe you are going to see frauds exposed like you’ve never even imagined! In a sense, you could say the left is fighting against God and God’s prophecy! Who do you suppose will win that battle?"

Flurry goes on to talk about Trump's false charges of election fraud and to denigrate the left's efforts to destroy traditional American values and get rid of Trump. Nevertheless, Flurry maintains throughout the article that God will perform a "miracle" to keep Trump in power.

Now, as we all witnessed the departure of Donald J. Trump this morning and the inauguration of Joseph R. Biden this afternoon as the 46th President of the United States, we are forced to conclude that Gerald Flurry's prophecy about Trump has failed! And what does the Bible say about prophets who make predictions that do not come to pass? In the book of Deuteronomy, we read: "But any prophet who falsely claims to speak in my name or who speaks in the name of another god must die.’ “But you may wonder, ‘How will we know whether or not a prophecy is from the Lord?’ If the prophet speaks in the Lord’s name but his prediction does not happen or come true, you will know that the Lord did not give that message. That prophet has spoken without my authority and need not be feared." (Deuteronomy 18:20-22)

Jesus Christ warned against false prophets (see Matthew 7:15 and 24:24). John warned Christians not to believe everything they hear and test whether or not the messages they received are from God "because many false prophets are gone out into the world." (I John 4:1) Gerald Flurry has clearly revealed himself to be a FALSE prophet. Hence, any member of the Philadelphia Church who continues to follow him from this point forward is clearly not following God's clear instructions regarding prophets (as related in the book which they claim to be His word)! 


  1. I think there is a possibility that Flurry is right. At least about Trump's continuance. I don't know what Flurry predicts about anything else. This is how he might be right:

    Trump will set up a anti-White House in Maralago. He will continue to rule over the Republican Party. He will continue to have control over about 50% of the electorate. He will have a continued media presence. He gleefully will harry the Biden administration in every effort. He will be the anti-President for the next four years.

    The only event that will obviate the apocalyptic Millerite claims to Trump being Jeroboam is if Trump ends up in prison in orange overalls. If he goes orange man, the prophecy failed.

    ******* Click on my moniker to view my Disclaimer

    1. I hope that the scenario which you outlined doesn't play out. However, even if it does, it doesn't square with what Flurry predicted - he didn't leave himself any wiggle room in his remarks. As you have pointed out on numerous occasions on Gary's blog, these Millerite prophecies have always failed (and they are always trying to move the goalpost when they do).

  2. Flurry doomed the Trump presidency the day he made this prophecy. God hold geraldtol in contempt.

  3. I used to get the Philadelphia trumpet magazines and take gerald serious now I just feel like a tool that man is a false prophet he's been wrong about alot of things and his maniacal self proclaiming prophesies are a joke, im gonna put my faith in god not a fucking man

    1. I think you've reached a very good conclusion - God is a much better choice.

    2. Right! Note how he yanks Scriptures out of context, most of which clearly apply to Israel!

  4. Why not prophecy about election fraud before November 4th?

  5. The Bible isn't specific to the point of predicting elections, very disappointing to see all this extreme right wing nonsense from the PCG..

    1. Yes, formerly Worldwide COG. Supposedly, they repented on some things, then put forth a false prophet. Don't be deceived, brothers and sisters!

  6. The trump prophecy and the election fraud garbage shows they are crackpots
