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As longtime readers of this blog know, I have devoted a great many posts over the years to attacking the messaging  of the Armstrong Churche...

Sunday, May 10, 2020

The Conclusion of the Matter

The previous eleven posts provided historical and scriptural evidence that destroys the Armstrong Church of God narrative about their history. Taken together, they discredit the assertion that the majority of Christians adopted a counterfeit Christianity promulgated by Satan and the Roman Catholic Church. It also demolishes the notion that the ACOGs can demonstrate an unbroken lineage apart from the Catholic Church back to the church of the apostles.

Now, what does that have to do with a God who cannot be contained? By disproving this false historical narrative, we have demonstrated that God is not the property of this group of people (or any other for that matter). If deception disqualifies one from being included among God's people, then the folks within the Armstrong Churches of God are clearly excluded by this evidence. Once again, God is proven to be bigger than our petty notions about "Him."

God is bigger than the book that we possess about "Him." God is superior to our beliefs about "Him." Scripture informs us that we must believe that God exists, "and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him." (Hebrews 11:6) Likewise, the entire New Testament drives home the message that we must believe the good news about Jesus Christ's teachings, life, death, burial and resurrection. We can claim to believe many other things, but God's reality trumps whatever conclusions we may reach! In other words, we should always be willing to retain the possibility that our beliefs about God might fall short of the ultimate reality (and let's be honest, they almost certainly do).

The question is: Can we be comfortable with a God that we cannot completely fathom? Also, can we love and accept brothers and sisters whose notions about that God might differ from our own? Could my God also be yours?

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