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Friday, June 7, 2019

What does it mean to EVANGELIZE?

If you Google the term "evangelize," you will see it defined in a variety of ways by a number of different sources. Here are a few of those official definitions: To "convert or seek to convert (someone) to Christianity...preach the Christian gospel," "preach any ideology to those who have not yet been converted to it...be enthusiastic about something, and to attempt to share that enthusiasm with others; to promote" -Wiktionary, "talk about how good you think something is" -Cambridge Dictionary, "promulgate or promote something enthusiastically" -The Free Dictionary, etc.

Hence, although we normally associate the term with religious activities, we can readily see how it could be applied to a whole host of activities in other spheres. Atheists, capitalists, communists, political parties and business leaders are quite capable of evangelizing those who do not belong to their ranks.

In the sense that this blog enthusiastically promotes the notion of having a more expansive view of God, I suppose one could even say that Miller Jones is evangelizing! Nevertheless, it should also be apparent to those who are familiar with my posts that I have not formed my own church, group or organization. In other words, I'm definitely NOT seeking to have anyone join a church. Likewise, I've never sought a personal following or attempted to derive any personal benefit from my activities. Moreover, the way that I question things should make it plain that I haven't sought to promote a particular answer/ideology. And, finally, I'm not very interested in having others adopt my point of view - I'm much more interested in provoking thought and tolerance for the thinking of others.  

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