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Saturday, June 15, 2019

Put those queers to death!

An anonymous commentator over at Banned by HWA posted the following opinion the other day (13 June 2019):

"It's as if you're suggesting that because the Christian sermon upholds the Biblical laws re the death penalty for homosexuals that the sermon giver and the views espoused should be viewed as "extremist" and "fanatical" and by implication "wrong" and "evil."
According to whom? An atheist? A secularist? An anti-Christian? Well that's only to be expected.
All belief systems or ideologies have a standard (or law) that outlines what is right and what is wrong and will discriminate accordingly between those who follow what is right who will be rewarded and those who follow what is wrong who will be punished (whether Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Secularism, Communism, etc).
More so the fact is the death penalty has been applied for all manner of "crimes" throughout history depending on whatever the "law" is that is upheld in accordance with whatever belief system or ideology existent at the time and place of question.
So why would it be "extreme" or "wrong" for a Christian who believes in the Biblical laws upholding the sanctity of heterosexual marriage and the death penalty for LGTBism and wants such laws to be in force where he lives when it's no different to adherents of other belief systems and ideologies advocating the same wherever they live." (original spelling and structure maintained)

It is hard to believe that such views still find expression and acceptance among some "Christians." Such views are characterized as extremist, fanatical, wrong and evil because they do not represent the views of a majority of Christians, Jews, Muslims, Secular Humanists or Atheists in the Western World. Moreover, those who actually believe that LGTB folks should be put to death by the state based on Biblical principles have some serious inconsistencies in logic to address.

As all sinning (or breaking God's laws) incurs the death penalty, why does this particular behavior justify special treatment? Are these people advocating that Sabbath breakers and insubordinate children be executed? If not, why - the Bible does? And, other than the nation of Israel, where in the Bible does it say that the secular authority is responsible for enforcing the punishments which God has prescribed for breaking "His" laws? Isn't that what the Pharisees and Sadducees did with Jesus Christ when they went before their Roman overlords? Doesn't the Bible clearly delineate different responsibilities for the individual Christian and corporate Church vs the secular state? Is Caesar responsible for collecting offerings and taxes? Does Scripture assign a role for Caesar in Church governance or the disposition and enforcement of Church doctrine? Doesn't the state designate its own laws and penalties relative to public morality? Are the state's laws and procedures relative to things like marriage, divorce and child rearing consistent with Scriptural/Christian teachings in those areas?

No, this commentator (and all who share his/her views) is clearly out there! Most of us can't even imagine a world where folks are put to death for various moral infractions. Indeed, for most of us, such a prospect sounds down right scary!    

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