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Sunday, June 15, 2014

Happy Father's Day

Thank you Father for the life that you have given us.
Thank you for my mind and body and the heart that beats within my chest.
Thank you for every breath I take in and exhale.
Thank you for the eyes that you have given me to see my loved ones and the beautiful world that you have created.
Thank you for the streams, rivers, lakes, oceans and rain that sustain life on this planet.
Thank you for the mosses, grasses, ferns, flowers and trees with which you have covered the ground.
Thank you for ears to hear the words "I love you," and the sound of waves washing up on a beach.
Thank you for the way that an apple pie smells when it's baking in the oven.
Thank you for the way that a strawberry cheesecake tastes on my tongue.
Thank you for the star specked night sky and that big old yellow moon.
Thank you for the blue, blue sky and those big white puffy clouds that drift across it.
Thank you for the family that I was born into, and the one that I acquired along the journey that has been my life.
Thank you for the woman who has been my best and most faithful friend and the mother of my children.
Thank you for my children, for allowing me to take care of them and watch them grow to adulthood, and for the love and happiness that they have brought into my life.
Thank you for the grandchildren that they have provided for us, for their sweet smiles, their complete innocence, the miracle of their tiny feet and fingers, and the wonder in their little cherub faces.
Thank you for memories, good and bad - for all of the experiences that have gone into making me the man I am.
Thank you for the musical and artistic talents that you have given to others for my enrichment and enjoyment.
Thank you for sending your Son to this earth to save me from death by sacrificing himself for my sins.
Thank you for giving me your Holy Spirit to guide, comfort and sustain me on my spiritual journey.
And thank you Father for your love, compassion, mercy and faithfulness to me.
I am very thankful that you are my Father.

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