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Saturday, January 25, 2025

Bill Watson's Hard-on for Trump

Trump is in office, and Bill Watson is very happy! In his infamous "Missing in Action News," prior to the weekly sermon at Medina CGI, he appeared positively elated over developments since Trump's inauguration on January twentieth. Have you been following all of the wonderful and important changes? Bill wants to know - He wants to make sure you don't miss any of the "policy" which the Donald has introduced in his glorious second coming!

Trump has officially changed the name of the Gulf of Mexico to the Gulf of America! He has officially declared that the United States only recognizes two genders: male and female. How can anybody be against this stuff? Bill wants to know. After all, this stuff is just "common sense." Have you heard that ICE has officially "ICED" 500 illegal immigrants since he took office? Yes, Trump is busily marshalling the resources of the Federal Government to root out all of those murderers, rapists, child abusers, violence prone, and otherwise nasty folks who have broken our immigration laws! Have you heard that Trump is doing away with taxes on Social Security earnings, tips, etc.? Bill reminded his audience that this will put more money into the pockets of folks who will go out and spend it and create more demand and jobs as a consequence. Of course, there is no mention of this reduced income increasing the Federal Deficit, because Trump has that covered! He's going to slap tariffs on all of the imports coming into this country - from friend and foe alike. Wonder what that will do to the prices of those goods for American consumers? Ever heard of a thing called inflation?

Bill's message was unmistakable. The bad old days of Biden and the Demoncrats are gone, and happy days are here again because of the Donald and his merry band of Republicans. Bill even goes on to speculate that maybe God has raised up a judge to save Israelite America - just as he did in the days of old! So, let's all rejoice abortions are down, we're getting rid of immigrants, foreign aid has been frozen, queers and gay folks have been put in their place, and the Saudis are going to invest billions of dollars in our economy - the Prince promised! Indeed, if things keep going this well, we may not need Christ to return for another forty or eighty years! Hallelujah, the lord god omnipotent reigneth! Yes, that's not just a bulge, Bill is definitely happy to see Trump back at the Resolute Desk. Why isn't everyone else?

1 comment:

  1. Pastor Watson on his most recent blog post:

