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Thursday, September 19, 2024

The United Church of God and Its Demonic Assault on Reality

In the latest issue of Beyond Today, Tom Robinson wrote an article titled Kingdom of Lies: The Demonic Assault on Reality. The hook for the article reads: "Efforts to destroy the family to remake society have sunk to now redefining sexuality on a fundamental level. These attempts arise from utopian dreams of reshaping the world into an imagined paradise free from biblical morality. Dark forces are driving the false hope and means of trying to realize it, posing an existential threat to humanity. But Truth will ultimately prevail." Robinson then proceeded to cite a number of examples from popular culture of folks who are trying to promote tolerance of folks who fall outside of traditional sexual and gender norms.

Continuing, in the article, we read: "This wishful, magical thinking is at the root of lawlessness, false religion and the godless utopianism sought through progressive or woke ideology and outright Marxism that ends up oppressing fellow man. For it’s not enough for people to live in their own reality. They must have everyone else live in it—lest it be revealed as false. There is no kingdom of authenticity in this. It’s a kingdom of lies, being ruled by self-deception advanced through demonic deception! That won’t stand in the end. For when it all comes down to it, there is no reward in denying what’s real. It’s the truth that sets us free." For Robinson, anything which contradicts his church's notions about personal or societal morality is delusional and evil - the product of "demonic deception."

Where was he headed with all of this? After asserting that there are two genders: male and female. He went on to assert that "a liberal U.S. Supreme Court justice was not able in her recent confirmation hearings to define what a woman is!" Unfortunately, Mr. Robinson believes that everyone should conform to what he believes to be God's reality. In other words, if you were born with a penis, you MUST be a male. If you are a male, you MUST be attracted to females. If that isn't how you feel, Mr. Robinson doesn't care. He sees folks who experience gender dysphoria or same sex attraction as purposely living outside of God's reality. For him, these folks have made a personal decision to be in a state of rebellion against the way in which God ordained things to work! Mr. Robinson lives in a fantasy world where DNA, hormones, and nature never goes awry. If you ask me, that sounds an awful lot like a frontal assault on reality - gaslighting all of us into believing that we aren't really seeing what is right in front of us. After all, in the real world, folks are occasionally born without limbs and organs or functioning bodily systems!


  1. "For it’s not enough for people to live in their own reality. They must have everyone else live in it—lest it be revealed as false."

    That's the church's job😂

    1. They claim that homosexuals and transgender folks want to impose their reality on everyone else, while they are attempting to do that very thing! It is hilarious! ;)
