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Monday, August 19, 2024

UCG’s Rick Shabi Wants You to Know – They Aren’t Woke!

The current leader of the United Church of God, Rick Shabi, has jumped on the anti-woke bandwagon. In a message a little over eleven minutes long (A Stage for "Woke" Politics), a stern and humorless Shabi joined the chorus of “Christian” voices condemning the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics. According to Mr. Shabi, the world is currently in a state of upheaval and has entered the time of the end. For those of you who are familiar with the Armstrong Churches of God, this will come as no surprise. These folks have been proclaiming the same message for over eighty years now!

Mr. Shabi claims that “woke politics” has turned the world upside down, and that it is being promoted everywhere we turn these days. It is interesting that he employs this favorite buzz word of the American Right (“woke”) to describe those wicked and godless folks on the Left. You see, according to Mr. Shabi, what he describes as “Gender Identity Politics” is destroying the fabric of society. He says that folks who don’t even know whether they are men or women are setting policy and promoting drag queens! Shabi would rather these folks be labeled as “an embarrassment and an affront to nature itself!” He went on to say that “in your face, unnatural morality is showing up everywhere.” Shabi went on to point out that Kamala Harris wants everyone to be “more woke.”

According to him, these folks have no idea how a “normal” society works. Mr. Shabi believes that these folks are corrupting our children and are influenced by evil spirits/demons and that great boogeyman of the ACOGs, Satan the Devil! Indeed, he goes on to point to the language of the book of Revelation and claims that it is describing the current situation in the world. Yes, Mr. Shabi sees the Dragon at work in all of this wokeism. You remember – the one who deceives everybody except him and his peeps! According to Shabi, that opening ceremony was nothing less than blasphemy, and he sees it as ushering in the time when the beast will be drunk with the blood of the saints. He goes on to warn: “If you follow the woke mentality that champions this abnormal stuff and mocks God, there will be a price to pay!” He then went on to advise everyone to pay close attention to what is going on in the world. Shabi warns that the pale horse is on its way and a fourth of mankind is going to die!

What about the Good News? Apparently, that’s not for you. Mr. Shabi believes that it is his church’s job to warn you about what’s coming down the pike, and it ain’t good! According to Mr. Shabi, you’ve been warned! Yep, that just about sums up what the Armstrong Churches of God are all about! No one is ever going to accuse them of being woke!

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