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A Warning of Impending Punishment OR An Announcement of Salvation Through Jesus Christ?

As longtime readers of this blog know, I have devoted a great many posts over the years to attacking the messaging  of the Armstrong Churche...

Friday, April 5, 2024

Ten Years!

From time to time, I check on past posts to see which ones folks are still interested in - still looking over and considering. In recently doing so, I was reminded that this blog was begun ten years ago in January. During those ten years, I've posted 934 articles and over 1,400 comments here. Over those same years, I've also witnessed this blog go from an average of 50 views per day to about 800 views per day currently! No, I'm not bragging - the blog still has many fewer readers than some of the other blogs dealing with the same subject matter. Nevertheless, I do find it extremely satisfying to consider that I've made a small contribution to the spiritual journey of others and have helped a few folks to shake off the shackles of Armstrongism and find their way back to Jesus Christ, THE REAL TRUTH!

My thanks to everyone who has taken the time to read some of these articles, and the folks who were brave enough to comment here over the years (even if you disagreed with me). I hope that this blog has prompted a little introspection, thought, and tolerance of other views. That was my objective when I began this blog in January of 2014, and it remains my objective in 2024. I am also thankful for what this blog has done for me personally - in helping me to deal with some of the mistakes and deceptions of my past. I pray too that God will continue to bless my efforts to serve him and his people and guide all of us into a greater understanding and appreciation of the awesomeness of the God who cannot be contained!