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Friday, April 21, 2023

I'm Not Going to Read or Listen to Anything That Might Change My Mind!

Humans have always been adept at protecting their faith and opinions, and avoidance is one of their favorite devices for doing so. We simply avoid anything which contradicts or is critical of our beliefs and opinions. Historically, we have devised a number of ways to avoid opinions which might offend us (e.g. forbidden reading lists, book burnings, censorship, imprisonment or execution of the promulgators of said material, etc.) As technology has advanced, we have employed filters, created forums or "news" outlets which reinforce our own views and preclude the possibility of being exposed to alternative viewpoints, and have attempted to curtail access to some media, forums or websites.

Of course, the reasoning behind all of this appeals to our vanity and is very seductive. After all, if we're right, why do we need to bother with alternatives? If we are correct/right, all other opinions/viewpoints/perspective must necessarily be incorrect /wrong - right? And, make no mistake, the notion that we have discovered or learned the truth of the matter is very satisfying and flattering. It is comforting and comfortable to have figured things out - one less thing to have to consider or think about! Thus, the investigation or consideration of other viewpoints or evidence becomes unnecessary, a waste of time, or a potential threat! In other words, if we continue to consider other viewpoints or evidence, we might become confused and lose that feeling of satisfaction which we attain when we have settled or figured something out.

But what if we really haven't got it figured out? What if we are wrong? What if our information is faulty? What if we've only collected and considered part of the evidence? What if we've misinterpreted or misunderstood some of the evidence we've collected? Unfortunately, if we believe that we're finished - that we've figured it out, there is no incentive to consider the matter further. Once again, we may even consider further investigation or consideration to simply be a waste of time! What about you? Have you got it all figured out? Are you wasting your time on alternative viewpoints or perspectives?

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