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Sunday, October 30, 2022

The Purpose of This Blog

In past posts on this blog, I have emphasized the fact that I am NOT an evangelical. In short, I am NOT interested in converting anyone. As I have repeatedly said, there is no Church of Lonnie (and no plans to start one). Hence, for me, the sharing of my beliefs is NOT intended to persuade others that I'm right about this or that. Instead, my goal was to help others in their own spiritual journey.

My former affiliation with the Worldwide Church of God, Church of God International and Seventh Day Baptists has given me a unique perspective on Christianity and things spiritual. Likewise, the fact that I am a gay Christian has also contributed to my distinctive perspective on spiritual topics. In particular, these experiences caused me to dig deeper and do more research into why I believed certain things and rejected others. Indeed, my experiences and studies have informed my views on a whole host of issues relative to religion, spirituality and morality.

My blog is also informed by Christ's commission to his followers at the close of his own ministry - to carry his story and teachings to the rest of the world. Also, I am trying to follow Peter's admonition to "Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have." I believe that it is God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit who draw people to themselves and reveal things to their understanding. That is NOT my job, or the job of any church, minister or guru!

I consider a post to be a success if it has helped ONE person or has caused ONE person to THINK about their own beliefs and take another look at the available evidence. For me, the rekindling of my own curiosity, questioning and reasoning skills was one of the greatest benefits I derived from my own experiences and studies, and I want to rekindle that in others. Also, finally, it is my hope that this blog presents an expansive view of God - that this blog glories in the God who cannot be contained or limited by humans or any of our beliefs about "him."

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