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Tuesday, January 18, 2022

The Slippery Slope to Perdition

Not to be outdone by UCG's homophobia, the Church of God International has published a post by Mike James titled Slippery Slope decrying a bill which was recently enacted by the Canadian Parliament to outlaw conversion therapy. Of course, Mr. James doesn't even mention the fact that a consensus has developed among mental health professionals that the therapy doesn't work, and that it is potentially very harmful to those who are subjected to it (see In the Aftermath of Conversion Therapy). James sees the law as taking away the rights of Canadian Christians to treat homosexuality and transgenderism as sins. He wrote: "In other words, a minister counseling a child or a parent counseling their child could be in violation of the law if they try to dissuade the child from following a path to changing their gender or taking part in a homosexual lifestyle. We are beginning to move faster down the slippery slope to destruction."

Mike went on to note that France and twenty of these United States had already banned the practice. With Canada's action, Mr. James makes clear that he believes that the collapse of Western culture is at hand. For Mr. James, Christian opposition to homosexuality is essential to preventing the decline of civilization. Although he admits that "Homosexuality and transgenderism are complex issues." Mr. James believes that "God tells us what sin is in His Word, and we must work to fight and overcome it regardless of what the state says. When the Bible is clear on a matter, we must obey God rather than men (Acts 5:29)." Unfortunately, Mr. James appears to be completely unconcerned with the rights of LGBTQ folks!

Nevertheless, in the Canadian Government's discussion of the bill, it is interesting to note that they made clear that the law was/is intended to protect the rights of these folks. With regard to LGBTQ rights to freedom of religion and expression they state: "Section 2(a) provides that everyone has freedom of conscience and religion. The freedom of religion guarantee protects sincerely held practices or beliefs that have a connection with religion. A law or government action that interferes with the ability to act in accordance with such practices or beliefs in a way that is more than trivial or insubstantial will engage section 2(a). Because the prohibition on causing another person to undergo conversion therapy may affect the ability of individuals to engage in practices that have a connection with their own sincerely held religious beliefs, it has the potential to engage the freedom of religion.
Section 2(b) provides that everyone has freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression. Section 2(b) has been interpreted broadly to encompass any activity or communication, aside from violence or threats of violence, that conveys or attempts to convey meaning. It protects the rights of both speakers and listeners. Because the offence of providing conversion therapy would prohibit discussions between providers and recipients of conversion therapy, it engages section 2(b)." (see Bill C-4) You don't mean to tell me that freedom of religion and expression also apply to LGBTQ folks?

Mr. James is also apparently unaware of the fact that the concepts of sexual orientation and gender identity are foreign to the Judeo-Christian Scriptures. Likewise, he appears to be unaware of the fact that conversion therapy is not mentioned in the Bible. However, that book does have somewhat to say about the dangers inherent to someone going against their own nature and conscience. In other words, NOTHING of Spiritual value is gained by a homosexual or transgender person pretending to be something they are not!

Finally, I believe that the institutions of marriage and the family are threatened by a number of real problems which these kinds of discourses ignore and/or dismiss. I'm talking about things like adultery, divorce, child abuse and neglect, domestic violence, lying and the many things which divert our attention away from our families (and take away from the time we spend with them). If we're really serious about saving our society, let's talk about the materialism and pursuit of entertainment which consumes us. In other words, while the LGBTQ community might serve as a convenient scapegoat and diversion, our society has real problems to confront. And, if we're really worried about that slippery slope to perdition, we may want to address those problems and leave homosexuals and transgender folks alone!

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