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Wednesday, October 21, 2020

My Prayer for Our Nation

 Almighty God,

Have mercy on us! We appeal to your unfailing love and your boundless compassion.

Please remove the stain of our national sins and cleanse us from our guilt.

Please forgive us for blaming our neighbors and brothers for our own failures.

Please forgive us for putting our own interests above those of our neighbors.

Forgive us, O God, for polluting and destroying your good earth and the waters that cover it.

Forgive us, O God, for allowing our faith and trust to be placed in the hands of an evil man.

Please forget our arrogance and willfulness in the face of the plague which has afflicted us.

Please forget that we have continuously excused ourselves for our behavior and rejoiced in our wickedness.

Help us to see that our rebellion and sin has been against you.

Remove this great wickedness and sin from our midst and wash away our sins.

Restore to us a clean conscience and a proper appreciation of your many blessings.

Help us to have the courage and humility to admit our sins and return to you.

Please don't cast us out of your presence!

Please don't remove your blessings from this land!

Help us to realize that a sacrifice on our behalf has already been made, and that we have only to accept it.

Look to the United States of America with favor again and help us to rebuild the institutions which you inspired.

Lead us out of the chaos and meanness that has enveloped us.

Save us from ourselves and restore sanity and goodness to our nation!

In Jesus name, I pray.


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