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Monday, January 6, 2020

Your Choice To Be Gay

As a heterosexual, do you ever find members of your own gender to be sexually attractive? If so, how frequently do you have such thoughts? Do you have to suppress thoughts of being attracted to members of your own gender? Have you ever lusted after someone who shares your gender? Have you ever fantasized about engaging in sexual acts with members of your gender? If so, does that make you bisexual? OR Are you always attracted to members of the opposite sex? Do your sexual fantasies always center on the opposite sex? Do you find that you are repulsed by thoughts of engaging in sexual intimacy with members of your own gender?

If you are not sexually attracted to people who share your gender, what would it take to make you attracted to them? Would staring at images of people engaging in same sex acts eventually engender sexual arousal for members of your own gender? Would reading homoerotic literature eventually engender sexual arousal for members of your own gender? What kind of conditioning would be required to get you to abandon your disgust at the thought of engaging in same sex acts? Would you be tempted by a sexual proposition from a beautiful person of your own gender? If a member of your own gender forced him/herself on you, would that make you more likely to engage in same sex behavior? If you went to a gay bar, would you be tempted to engage in homosexual behavior?

Do you recall the occasion/moment when you decided that a woman's breasts were more sexually attractive than a man's pecs or vice versa? Do you recall the occasion/moment when you decided that you preferred vaginas over penises or vice versa? In other words, did you ever have to decide between the two? OR Did a preference for one over the other come naturally to you? When did you decide to be a heterosexual?

In short, what would it take to make you gay? What would it take for someone to convert you to a homosexual orientation? And, if anything could make you gay, can you really claim to be a heterosexual?

And, finally, if you really are a heterosexual, why would you ever want to engage in homosexual behavior? Why would you ever decide to engage in behavior that does not excite passion within you? Why would you ever want to engage in behavior that you find repulsive? Could you, over time, ever learn to enjoy that kind of behavior?

Now, what do your answers to the above questions tell you about the nature of  your own sexual orientation? If  some authority ever decreed that a homosexual orientation was the only acceptable expression of sexual desire, how would you fare within such a society? Does it seem plausible to you that Almighty God would ever require you to go against your own nature or force you to engage in behavior which you find repulsive?

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