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Monday, September 30, 2019

The Regression of CGI

After having had several articles accepted for publication in the Church of God International's quarterly newspaper The International News, it has been extremely disheartening to see that organization slide back into some of the intolerant, highly partisan, anti-intellectual and racist attitudes which characterized the ghost of Armstrongism past. Instead of growing in grace and knowledge, it is painfully obvious that CGI has decided to return to their proverbial vomit.

It is hard now to believe that once upon a time they accepted an article from me with the thesis that God is not a Republican or Democrat - that "He" is not a Capitalist or a Socialist. In the most recent issue of their newspaper, the following answer was proffered to someone who had inquired about the church's stance on the current occupant of the Oval Office:
"I would ask the question, If Jesus was born in our time and in our culture today, how would He advise one to vote?"
"...do you think He would be in favor of overthrowing our Constitution and Bill of Rights in favor of Socialism or Communism, which would negate the very right to vote at all?"
"Supporting, enabling and/or encouraging illegal immigration is, therefore, a violation of God's Word. What is the biblical solution to illegal immigration? Simple - don't do it; obey the laws. Illegal immigration is, quite simply, a sin..."
"One political party seems to advocate, 'no borders, everybody is welcome, and everything is free,' while the other says we need to stick to our constitution and the law. Which is closer to what the Bible says?"

I guess God is a Republican after all!

Likewise, in their most recent offering for their program Armor of God, Pastor Adrian Davis delivers a message on "Resisting Postmodernism." Davis clearly believes that God is on the side of the Capitalists, and that Socialism is synonymous with communism and dictatorship. He reminds us that science doesn't have the answers to the really important questions. He rails against philosophy, relativism and too much reliance on intellect.

I guess God is a Capitalist after all!

In previous posts on this blog, I've pointed out Pastor Bill Watson's rabid Trumpism, and his resurrection of the old Worldwide doctrine of Anglo-Israelism. Hence, I don't think that I'm being an alarmist when I point out CGI's regression. After a brief flirtation with more liberal notions, it appears that the organization is steadily drifting back toward Armstrong orthodoxy.


  1. It’s been nearly 25 years since the breakup of the WCG, and the birth of the baby ACOGs. I sometimes wonder, having thankfully never experienced a splinter, just how relevant my own analyses might be to someone attempting to decide whether or not to leave. Clearly, a significant percentage of bloggers do not believe that so many of the common abuses of the 1950s and ‘60s even happened.

    Some don’t even believe in or practice the Biblical legalities surrounding the Old Covenant rituals that were once mandatory in the old R/WCG. Today’s “Armstrongite” might visit an amusement park with the kids on the sabbath, or find alternative ways to afflict their souls other than fasting on the Day of Atonement. Feast of Tabernacles services are just optional for others, so long as one doesn’t forget about them entirely.

    Others in the stricter groups are in awe of the outlandish prophecies concocted and fading regularly in their group, and fear to disobey their abominable despot of a leader, even as their blessings are commandeered as “common”, reducing their standard of living as well as the freedoms economic well-being has to offer.

    There isn’t a heck of a lot one can take seriously about today’s Armstrongite Churches. Not a lot of consistency, either. As I’ve stated many times before, it has become largely a nostalgia act, with different aspects from the various past eras of HWA being cycled in, and cycled out. As with classic rock, many of the past stars have died and are but a memory. Could the movement be on that final downward spiral into nothingness?


    1. "Could the movement be on that final downward spiral into nothingness?" Let's hope so!

  2. Well CGI was formed some 15 years before WCG's break up.
    I always found their predisposition more leaning toward the Bible Belt Country and Western Nationalistic (Mannasah Jingoism) of its founder who served at sea in the Korea War.

    In contrast to the City Slicker, High Culture, Chicago-LA Chamber of Commerce, Global Corporation culture, Globalism of the originator of the movement.

    BTW I second your use of the word "movement". As my final analysis has always been that it was a movement like "the others" in the 20th century age of popular movements versus or in critical observation of the establishment.

    As movements do they come and go as the social circumstances demand. The movement of our former association existed under the umbrella of the Cold War where the USA sought allies vs an "evil (christian rethoric) empire and the branding of former "opressors" as brothers or cousins of the same family or commonwealth came in handy as an ideological framework.

    I witnessed live the Soviet flag being lowered in Moscow early 1990's and being replaced with the Russian flag. Not long after that event WCG collapsed as last of the vestiges of 20th century ideology.


    1. You have made the point that Armstrongism was a product of (and participant in) a much larger current of the Twentieth Century (especially with regard to political, diplomatic and cultural notions) on numerous occasions here and elsewhere. I think that your thesis has some merit with regard to Herbert and the Worldwide Church, but I think that CGI made a very dramatic move away from this mindset (at least in the early days of the organization). I think that GTA, Ron Dart and others did not approve of HWA's "diplomatic" initiatives or the authoritarian nature of his organization. As a consequence, the early years of CGI were marked by a reevaluation/reexamination of past practices and beliefs.
      As you know, while HWA's trips had the appearance of being more globalist in nature, he was very nationalistic in his outlook and practice (as you have pointed out before). HWA may have enjoyed Steuben, Mozart and wine, but his anti-communist and pro-capitalist credentials were impeccable.

    2. I agree with your point on CGI.
      I have not been a CGI member. I just requested literature in after 1985 since I was of the opinion at the time that wcg might have "entered the laodicean era" with the synchronized emergence of CGI.

      After receiving tapes and literature I was struck by the "protestant' hymns on the sermon tapes (what a friend we have in jesus etc etc) Moreover I was struck by GTA being proud to have been thrown of a "Super Station" for his railing versus gays. (This was 1985........not liberal 2015) I had never heard a minister in wcg rail against gays and openly boast about that although I knew the official stance.

      Then there was all this talk about America this America that and the strength of its power being broken etc etc. All in all I liked CGI literature because it was more "meaty" than the post 1985 wcg literature but WAY to parochial to my taste as the gist of Armstrongism in my opinion was the announcement of a World encompassing Kingdom to be following the British Empire, The American Empire and then The World Tomorrow Empire.

      I am of that opinion still although my understanding of the World Tomorrow is COMPLETELY etched on the original goals of the 1939 New York World Of Tomorrow Fair as presented to the world by Edward L Bernays.


  3. BTW Miller.

    I think that you can see that in my original posting I make a sharp distinction between wcg culture (of the founder) and the cgi (tylerian big sandian texan culture) that seemed more prevalent in gta.

    BOTH CURRENTS were united in wcg UNTIL 1978. They REPRESENT the EXACT cultures CITYdweller versus COUNTRYSIDE that are the prevalent undercurrents of American society since 1890. I posted lengthy explanations of that thesis on the Living Armstrongism blog (last year or 2 years ago).

    BOTH currents oppose each other at the moment in the current political landscape. Trump representing the "tyler texas faction" and Hillary/Obama the "internationalist, wilsonian, armstrongist" faction.

    But it goes WAY back from BEFORE Industrialization.

