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Thursday, December 13, 2018

The Nationalist Church of God International

Pastor Bill Watson's latest offering on CGI's Armor of God "Biblical News Updates & Commentary" is titled Globalism vs Nationalism. If you're a Trump supporter, you'll want to hear this one. If you're not a Trump fan, you may be interested in the group's rejection of the "Globalist agenda" and enthusiastic embrace of Nationalismhttps://www.cgi.org/new-blog-2/2018/12/12/globalism-vs-nationalism

The pastor opens his message by decrying the legalization of marijuana in Canada and within many of the individual states of its neighbor to the south. He also takes a moment to bemoan the fact that homosexual marriages are now recognized in both countries, and that the U.S. is "killing" one million "babies" per year. Then, after taking a quick swipe at Senator Elizabeth Warren for having the audacity to claim Cherokee ancestry, he proceeds to his main topic.

According to Mr. Watson, the world has divided into two camps: Globalists and Nationalists. He goes on to define Globalism as the desire to create one world order and insists that it is the close ally of socialism and communism. Before going on to define Nationalism, he asks us not to recoil in horror. He says that Nationalism has been erroneously linked to things like white supremacy, Nazis and the Ku Klux Klan. The good pastor assures us that nothing could be further from the truth.

Mr. Watson believes that these erroneous ideas about Nationalism have been generated by the "fake news" (seems like I've heard that term somewhere before) to create a bias against it and its proponents among the public. He insists that Nationalism is nothing more than love of country and a willingness to sacrifice for its good. He informs us that nations act independently of each other rather than collectively, and that these nations have well-defined borders (I suppose they're intended to keep out undesirables).

Satisfied with his definitions, the pastor informs us that Globalism seemed dominant a few years ago - and that things were proceeding to the formation of that one world order. He points out, however, that the European Union now seems to be unraveling and wonders aloud if Globalism is outdated.

If you're wondering what all of this has to do with God, the Bible, the Church or the Gospel, you will be relieved to know that Mr. Watson finally gets around to the book of Revelation. He references the Beast of the thirteenth chapter and points out that this Globalist government will be manifested sometime in the not too distant future. He then moves on to the seventeenth chapter of Revelation and informs us that this Globalist system will make war with the Lamb (there is no acknowledgement that there are alternative interpretations of these prophecies extant within the Christian community).

Unfortunately (or fortunately - depending on your perspective), Mr. Watson can't seem to stay with the Scriptures. Instead, he interrupts his stroll through "God's Word" to inform us that this Nationalist "revival" that we are experiencing has sucker punched the Globalists. Thankfully, according to him, there are still nations with borders, and those who are acting to protect their identities. He assures us that these hearty Nationalists are working hard to thwart the nefarious agendas of folks like George Soros.

Finally, after this little diversion, Mr. Watson returns to the Bible and informs us that that book has an interesting take on Nationalism. He points out the "Table of Nations" and the story of the "Tower of Babel" in the book of Genesis and deduces that God intended for people to exist within separate nations (Doesn't the Gospel message inform us that Christ is going to be the king over all of the earth? Aren't there numerous passages that talk about all nations coming to Jerusalem for worship, healing, etc ? Doesn't the book of Revelation insist that Christ's saints will rule over all the earth with him? And doesn't it teach us that God will be the God of everyone who lives in this community of nations?)

Mr. Watson finishes up with an astounding statement. He tells us that "Globalism is not a good thing for Christians." Wow! So nations shouldn't be working in concert on things like trade, the environment and peace? Pastor Watson tells us that as long as the Nationalists stand in the way of the Globalist agenda we have time to do the work of God! He insists that we need more time to promote the Gospel - that God needs our help to bring His message to the world!

It may just be me, but I'm thinking that it might be a good idea for Mr. Watson and his church to rethink their stance on this Globalist vs Nationalist thing. What do you think?


  1. I was conferring with a colleague the other day. Our work involves a multi-national manufacturer. We were both sickened by the news several days ago involving the Trump plans to deport large numbers of Vietnamese people. Apparently the first step is registration. My friend's comment to me was "This is not MY America, Bob." I had to agree, because what started with Mexicans is now segueing into Asians, and presumably, it's not going to magically and mystically stop there. The president has probably got the Supreme Court stacked and staged at this point to support a program of ethnic cleansing.

    This flu is catching. It's following the same path as it did in Germany during the 1930s.
    One would think that a church would be concerned about human rights, but then again, Armstrongism always did come down on the wrong side of history.


  2. This church should not have tax-exempt status if they are going to use the pulpit to make political speeches. This makes me sick to the stomach. I have decided I can no longer live with someone who shares these beliefs.

  3. This comment was sent to my private e-mail account: "Question to Mr. Watson: Don't you want Jesus to return as soon as possible? If so, why not promote globalism so that He can return sooner rather than later?"

  4. While America is under the storm clouds of the Trump administration, I find myself looking for any rays of sunshine which might be attempting to break through, looking for people who love the historical soul of America, and are willing to protest and fight for it.

    I was heartened when I learned of Pacific Life pulling its ads sponsoring Tucker Carlson’s Fox “news” program after he stated that immigrants are making America dirtier and poorer.

    When I learned of these comments, I immediately recalled the words of Emma Lazarus, famous words from The New Colossus, the internationally known inscription, the Statue of Liberty’s universal message of hope and freedom:

    “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

    Let us pray that more and more powerful corporations make their voices heard in an effort to preserve the original paradigms of our great nation, and to fight the white nationalism which the neo Nazis are attempting to inflict upon us under the guise of making America great again. In case anybody has not already noticed, an idealogical war has started. Too bad some of the ACOGs have already chosen the wrong side.


    1. BB, Your comments underscore the serious threat that this kind of thinking poses for our country and the world. It is not a new way of thinking - it is the resurrection of something old and dark. And, just as there was no such thing as a homogeneous "Aryan" race extant in the Germany or Europe of the 1930s, there is no similar "White" race extant within the United States of today. Although our Constitution unfortunately later introduced the subject of race, our founding document (Declaration of Independence) acknowledged that ALL of mankind is created equal and entitled to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
      I sometimes find myself hoping that Trump and his supporters will rediscover things like Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty - it's too bad that they have ignored or overlooked them. As for many of these folks in the ACOGs, they were ripe for the picking - they begin with Herbert Armstrong's perspective of race (Table of Nations, German-Assyrianism, Anglo-Israelism, segregation of racial groups, etc). I join your prayer that more folks will see the light and have the courage to push back against this racist ideology.
