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Sunday, October 28, 2018

Supporting the Right’s Narrative About Nationalism and Jews

Never let it be said that the Church of God International is not doing its part to support Trump’s brand of Nationalism and the conspiracy theories about a malevolent Jewish influence on world events (especially relative to the United States). In light of the recent spree of pipe bomb mailings and the attack on a Jewish synagogue in Pennsylvania, I think it would be instructive to look at the role that some of the Armstrong Churches of God have played in promoting the divisive and racist rhetoric that has fueled the crazy individuals who have perpetrated these horrendous acts of violence.

In the Winter 2017 (Vol. 38, No.4) edition of The International News (The Official Newspaper of the Church of God International), Pastor Bill Watson lamented the indifference of the “mainstream media” to pursuing the truth. Sound familiar? He went on to say: “Over and over we see hypersensitive expressions wrapped in hyperbole’s passion all designed to aggravate and exacerbate the protesting Antifa crowds for effect. This is the goal of anarchists who have become the ‘village idiots’ of elitists like George Soros and others, who support his Open Society Foundations, which is nothing more than supporting the globalist agenda so prominent among the progressive rich.”

In the Summer 2018 (Vol. 39, No. 2) edition of The International News, Pastor Bill Watson wrote: “The United States is relearning to express assertive leadership after decades of appeasement, apologies, and accommodation at the expense of its own national well being and security. The question is, Will the world’s community of nations, having been working an agenda of globalism, accept and adjust to this revived nationalistic approach the United States, United Kingdom, and a handful of others within the European Union are now adopting? That remains to be seen as to how it will all play out.”

On October 14, 2018, as a presentation of CGI’s Armor of God broadcast, Pastor Adrian Davis spoke about “Marriage Under Assault” (https://www.cgi). The good pastor sought to give his audience a history lesson regarding the current “war on marriage.” He began with a discussion of Karl Marx and The Communist Manifesto and proceeded to talk about his loyal disciples in Frankfurt, Germany. According to Davis, these Jewish intellectuals and Marxists decided that family loyalty was the reason workers around the world had failed to unite against their capitalist oppressors.

Pastor Davis recounted the story of how many of these folks fled to the United States (he singled out Columbia University for special mention here) when Adolf Hitler came to power in Germany. According to him, these Jewish Marxists decided to shift from a focus on economics to cultural issues. Davis tells us that these nasty folks concentrated their efforts on stirring up the oppressed and victimized groups within American society (how AWFUL). He then proceeded to single out another prominent Jewish intellectual in the promotion of this cultural Marxism, Herbert Marcuse (ACOG’s seem to like the name Herbert).

Finally, Davis summarized his little history lesson by talking about how Marxists had infiltrated American universities and had attacked the building blocks of Western civilization. Moreover, he simply could not resist a parting shot about the “migrant crisis,” and how this was contributing to the demoralization of Western nations.

Unfortunately, if I hadn’t identified the sources of these statements, many of us would have assumed that they had been lifted directly from a Trump campaign rally! Make no mistake, the men who perpetrated these evil acts are responsible for the hurt and carnage which they have inflicted. Nevertheless, it is hard to deny that CGI and other Armstrong Churches of God have supported the narrative which inspired them. What do you think?


  1. I've mentioned this to my husband in the past, and he brushes it off. Sad.

  2. Why are these people even involved in commenting on this? The theology of their founder has been based on the downfall of western Anglo-Saxon civilization, allegedly for forgetting their "Israelite" heritage, leading into the tribulation and the second coming of Christ. This is a series of events that they have been preaching and expecting for the last 70 years, and in the early stages (1955-85) were sounding out a warning to the world via radio and television. And, now, they are cheering a politician whose MAGA campaign is the antithesis of that?

    The only astute observations one could make about this behavior are that 1) despite the past theology and rhetoric, it appears that their real and very ugly feelings are finally coming to surface, and 2) at long last, we may be seeing a belated quasi-admission from them that the Armstrong prophecy mold has failed.

    Dna and genetics aside, if one were to look at a map of the North American continent from the mid to late 1700s, one would see that the area now known as the USA was nearly equally divided amongst the English, the French, and the Spanish. Plus, Native and African-Americans. We were always a melting pot, and actually had to vote on a national language. We never were a pure " Manassite " or Anglo-Saxon nation, as the anti-multiculturalists desire for us to return to.

    The one redeeming factor to Armstrongite cultic history is that the Armstrong religions have been divided and confused, and are virtually unknown at this point in time. Let's just say that if Hee Haw still existed, Roy and Buck wouldn't be inviting any of the leaders as special guests. They wouldn't even know who they were to invite in the first place. Any gasoline they could possibly throw on the fire is negligible. Unfortunately, there's already a surfeit of gas from other sources.

    I thought that with the corrective daily unfolding or making of history, the ACOGs would finally be forced to jump off of their former band wagon. I just never expected them to jump on to one founded on hate. That's not something that Ambassadors from the coming Kingdom would do.


    1. It's hard to get inside someone's head and figure out what motivates him/her. We do know that Mr. Watson is a strong proponent of Anglo-Israelism. And, yes, thank God, they are preaching to a small and shrinking audience. Is this an attempt to grow that audience by appealing to like-minded folks? If so, let's hope it doesn't work. Finally, I'm sure that these men do not see these remarks as being racist, anti-Semitic or homophobic; but they are. And, I agree that true ambassadors of/for/from the Kingdom would not be promulgating these views.

  3. HWA represented the Wilsonian (League of Nations) world. The USA taking an international role with the UN as an arm of its benign foreign policy.

    HWA represented "the end of the rainbow" golden state, conquest of the west. Order versus the wild. Empire versus native. California, the West. The city and culture. (Los Angeles, Pasadena)

    GTA represented rural America. Tyler, Big Sandy, The country side. Nationalism, inward focus, the kingdom itself not the empire.

    In deliberate and flagrant opposition to his fathers hobknobbing with the influential GTA seems to represent the Charles Lindberghian isolationist policies. Athough GTA was never an anti semite. Anti pharasee perhaps.

    HWA's world tomorrow represented Chinese communist utopian agrarian society. But HWA's work was in full battle against industrialized communism completely in line and alligned with US foreign policy. Just follow the GII and GIII flypath and read all PT's from the sixties. Extreme anti communism (which some have interpreted as racism) Most of the international Work was aimed at nations likely to fall prey to the communist block.

    The work was conducted from the Anglo Saxon empire known today to the world as "five eyes."

