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Friday, June 3, 2016

God's Peace

An ACOG friend, forwarded an article to me the other day about a Christian Rock star who recently revealed that he is gay. The article about Trey Pearson (lead singer for Everyday Sunday) by Julie Zauzmer appeared in the May 31, 2016 edition of The Washington Post (https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/acts-of-faith/wp/2016/05/31/i-never-wanted-to-be-gay-christian-musician-comes-out-in-moving-letter-to-fans/). In a letter to his fans, he talks about the impact that his suppression of his sexual orientation has had not only on his life; but how that has affected the people he loves the most (including his wife).

Trey's revelation, and my friend's decision to forward the article to me, provide hope/encouragement/evidence that Christian attitudes are changing on this important topic. I think Trey's words point to a fuller understanding of exactly what constitutes the "peace of God."

He said: "I have progressed so much in my faith over these last several years. I think I needed to be able to affirm other gay people before I could ever accept it for myself. Likewise, I couldn’t expect others to accept me how I am until I could come to terms with it first.

I know I have a long way to go. But if this honesty with myself about who I am, and who I was made by God to be, doesn’t constitute as the peace that passes all understanding, then I don’t know what does. It is like this weight I have been carrying my whole life has been lifted from me, and I have never felt such freedom."

Yes, Trey, I know what you mean. God's peace does exceed our ability to fully understand or describe it!

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