Many denominations and individual Christians have formulated elaborate professions of faith and/or official statements outlining their beliefs. Naturally, these folks believe that these professions/statements are an important, or even essential, part of their religion. Nevertheless, many of us understand that TRUE Christianity is NOT defined by what you know or think you know! Sure, as we have described here in previous posts, there are some essentials or foundational elements that a Christian MUST believe (like believing and accepting that the life and sacrifice of Jesus of Nazareth has paid the penalty for his/her sins and reconciled us to God); but there is a whole lot of stuff floating around out there that is simply NOT critical or necessary for us to accept/believe!
Here are a few:
1. You do NOT have to accept the Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy. You do NOT have to believe that the Hebrew and Greek Scriptures are flawless and without errors, mistakes, inaccuracies, or contradictions. You do NOT have to believe that it is the only or most perfect representation of God's will and character that is available to us - or that it is the "final authority" in matters related to our Christian faith. You also do NOT have to reject the inspiration of Scripture or its value to the believer just because you reject the teachings of Fundamentalist Christians about Scripture! In other words, rejecting biblical inerrancy does NOT necessarily make Scripture irrelevant! The all or nothing notion is a clearly FALSE DILEMMA in terms of logic.
2. You do NOT have to reject the theory of evolution or believe that the earth is only 6,000 years old. You do NOT have to believe that the fossil and geological records have been misinterpreted by scientists, or that the evolution of life forms on this planet is an absurd or illogical explanation for the diversity of the life we see around us. In short, you do NOT have to believe that science or scientists are the enemy of our faith, or that the conclusions they've reached based on the available evidence necessarily contradict the notion of God as Creator of the universe. In other words, the choice between faith and science is yet another FALSE DILEMMA!
3. You do NOT have to accept ANY denomination's or individual's profession of faith or statement of belief to be a Christian! The acceptance of such professions/statements may identify you as a Catholic, Lutheran, Anglican, Baptist, Methodist, or Armstrongite; BUT it has NO bearing on whether or not you're a Christian, a disciple of Jesus Christ, a member of the assembly called out and together by God! Indeed, I haven't found very many people in my experience who embrace all of the practices and beliefs of the various manmade organizations they may be affiliated with in terms of their Christian faith. Once again, all or nothing is always a FALSE DILEMMA! If you have God's Holy Spirit and something doesn't make sense to YOU, then you would be FOOLISH to embrace it as truth!
4. You do NOT have to adopt a partisan political affiliation to be a Christian. Indeed, I'm personally very skeptical of the status of folks who do that. In other words, you do NOT have to be anti-abortion or against LGBTQ folks or immigrants to be a Christian! Likewise, you do NOT have to be a Capitalist, Socialist, Libertarian, Conservative, Liberal, Globalist, Isolationist, Vegetarian, or Carnivore to be a Christian. As we have already mentioned in the previous points, identifying manmade ideologies or policies as good or evil, Christian or Satanic is the epitome of binary thinking - the good old FALSE DILEMMA!
What do you think?