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Saturday, October 12, 2024

Donald Trump Is NOT in the Bible (and anyone who says so is a false prophet)!

Within both Evangelical Christian Circles and the Armstrong Churches of God, there are several folks who are saying that God is using Donald Trump to save America. Indeed, some of them say that Donald Trump's presidency was prophesied in Scripture! The pastor of the Beth Israel Worship Center, Jonathan Cahn, says that Trump is the modern equivalent of King Jehu of Israel. The pastor general of the Philadelphia Church of God claims that Trump is the modern equivalent of King Jeroboam II. Moreover, these absurd notions are even boosted by more mainstream voices like Franklin Grahm! Unfortunately, a large number of Americans now believe that Trump has been ordained by God to save America.

It is astonishing to me that a post such as this would even be necessary. In a sane world that wasn't in the grips of a partisan fever, such notions would be quickly dismissed as incredible. Even more surreal is the fact that so many Christians have so willingly swallowed this unholy alliance between secular politics and the religion which they profess to follow. It's as if God and Ceasar have become one in the eyes of many of these people! They readily twist both Scripture and history to support their notion of America as God's own - a righteous Christian nation that has been corrupted by perverts, immigrants, abortionists, globalists, and Marxists. Indeed, they have traveled so far down the rabbit hole that they are almost completely divorced from reality - rejecting any evidence which contradicts their worldview!

Nevertheless, I would be remiss not to point out the fact that the folks who hold up Donald Trump as the savior of Christian values in America are utterly WRONG! Indeed, I believe that it is blasphemous to use God and Scripture to support such foolishness. Yes, the Hebrew Bible records several instances where God used secular Gentile leaders to punish or help "His" people, Israel. However, God NEVER used any of those leaders to restore or administer the observance of Torah - NEVER! No, there are a number of instances where God used secular Gentile leaders to invade, conquer, deport, defend, and return the Israelites; but I challenge anyone to cite a single example of God using one of them to enforce or protect "His" moral code for the people of Israel (hint - Cyrus is included in this challenge).

Also, I would be remiss not to point out that the United States of America is NOT Israel! The United States is NOT the Promised Land! The government of the United States is NOT of Divine origin - it is NOT God's Kingdom. Likewise, Capitalism is NOT God's monetary system! Moreover, throughout its history as a nation, the United States of America has NEVER been a righteous nation - NEVER! European settlers stole land from Native Americans, murdered and abused them, and broke nearly every promise which they ever made to them! They also enslaved their African brethren, mistreated them, murdered them, and discriminated against them! They ruthlessly exploited the natural resources of North America and much of the rest of the world. American history is also full of corruption, assassination, and immorality of all kinds! Plain and simple, there NEVER was a golden age of righteousness in America's past.

Finally, ALL of the prophets of the Hebrew Scriptures (Moses, Nathan, Elijah, Elisha, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Hosea, Amos, Zechariah, etc.) were given messages FOR THE PEOPLE OF ISRAEL! Moreover, Jesus Christ said that HE was the fulfillment of Torah, the prophets, and the Psalms! Indeed, when those Scriptures were originally written, the United States of America wasn't even a glimmer in anyone's mind! Finally, Jehu usurped the throne of Israel, murdered the former royal family (and a king of Judah), and was evaluated as someone who "was not careful to walk in the law of the Lord, the God of Israel, with all his heart. He did not turn from the sins of Jeroboam, which he made Israel to sin." (II Kings 10:31) As for Jeroboam II, we read that "he did what was evil in the sight of the Lord. He did not depart from all the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, which he made Israel to sin." (II Kings 14:24) Indeed, the prophet Amos predicted a violent end for Jeroboam and the subjugation of his people (Amos 7). In other words, these were NOT good kings (they did NOT restore or enforce God's morality).

Hence, we have seen that placing Donald Trump in the role of God's anointed is absurd! It is a delusion, pure and simple! We are all free to vote the dictates of our own conscience, but please don't try to justify yourself as supporting God's anointed candidate - that's just plain old hogwash!  

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