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Thursday, December 5, 2024

Some Political Questions for U.S. Christians?

Do you believe that the founding documents (e.g. Declaration of Independence, U.S. Constitution) were Divinely inspired? Does that make those documents inerrant and/or the founding fathers infallible?

If so, do you believe that the United States is God's nation? Do you believe that the political system of the United States is the most perfect system of human governance ever created by man?

Do you believe that the United States is a "Christian" nation? If so, does that mean that all other religions should not be tolerated? Should we ensure that any contributions to our system by people of other faiths should not be permitted/tolerated?

Do you believe that the founding fathers were righteous individuals? If so, why did some of them own slaves and/or engage in extramarital affairs? Likewise, do you believe that the United States is/was a righteous nation? If so, how do you explain the way land was taken away from Native Americans? How do you explain the toleration and support of the institution of slavery? How do you explain the exploitation of natural resources, extermination of species, and pollution of our air and waterways?

Do you believe that human political leaders can and/or should be Christians? Do you believe that it is possible or practical for secular leaders to strictly adhere to the teachings of Jesus Christ in the performance of their duties within the current system and/or on the world stage?

Do you believe that God intended for Christians to improve the human political systems of this earth? Do you believe that Christians have a responsibility/duty to impose Christian moral standards on the larger society? If so, which denomination's beliefs should we employ as our standard? Also, does that mean that the rights of some groups of citizens should be denied (like homosexuals, atheists, or adulterers)? Should Christians support the public execution of sinners/criminals? If so, do we have any responsibility to encourage repentance, forgive, or show mercy to such individuals? How would that be managed/administered?

If God truly directs the affairs of humankind and is working out some design/plan, what happens if we support or vote for a candidate whom He didn't choose? Do we bear any responsibility for the failure of policy choices that we help to make? Do we bear any responsibility before God for unintended consequences of the choices we make at the ballot box? How do we maintain a clear conscience before God when we support someone who clearly does not live up to God's standard of behavior? Does the end justify the means?

Do you believe that the United States is a democratic republic? If so, how do you explain the fact that blacks and women were only allowed to participate in the political process in just the last century? How do we justify a minority being able to thwart the will of the majority or impose its beliefs/policies on the majority? How do we justify the practice of gerrymandering or the practice of partisanship?

Why do you think that Jesus said that his Kingdom was NOT of this world? Why do you think that Jesus instructed his disciples to pray that God's Kingdom come to this earth? Why do you believe that he also instructed them to pray for God's will to be done on earth as it currently is in heaven? Does that imply that human leaders are NOT doing God's will? Why did the Apostle Paul instruct the saints to NOT get entangled in civilian affairs? What did he mean by that? Why did John refer to human governance as Babylon and "Beast"? What do you think it meant when he wrote for God's saints to come out of her and NOT participate in her sins?

I'm truly interested in hearing some responses to these questions - especially for those who answered yes to the first few questions! Did any of the above questions prompt you to reconsider your political views or better understand why some Christians choose not to involve themselves in secular politics?

1 comment:

  1. There is a commentary thread associated with this post over at Banned by HWA.
