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Saturday, November 30, 2024

A Window of Mercy?

CGI's Mike James shined some Divine light on "Christian Nationalism," and Bill Watson came along behind him with the Satanic Darkness of Anglo-Israelism and Trumpism! In his Sabbath message today, Bill noted that it is very probable that God has given his people a "window of mercy" with the results of the recent U.S. election. According to Mr. Watson, we all need to "wake up and start to smell the roses." In other words, the people of the U.S. need to take advantage of this opportunity which God has given them to get their nation back on track!

You see, Mr. Watson still believes that the people of the United States are the descendants (and heirs) of Joseph's son, Manasseh! Likewise, he still believes that the people of Great Britain are the descendants (and heirs) of Manasseh's brother, Ephraim. Although Mr. Herbert Armstrong borrowed this teaching from a founder of the Church of God Holiness, who was formerly a pastor of the Methodist Episcopal Church and the Wesleyan Methodist Church, John H. Allen (see Judah's Sceptre and Joseph's Birthright), the teaching of Anglo-Israelism has been thoroughly discredited by biblical scholars, historians, archaeologists, and geneticists.

Like Armstrong before him, Watson makes a distinction between the spiritual and "physical" promises which God made long ago to Abraham. Moreover, Bill believes that no other nation(s) fit the "profile" outlined in Scripture for the fulfillment of those promises. According to him, the people of the United States are the only people who fit the "profile" for Manasseh (to hell with all of the scriptural, scientific, and historical evidence to the contrary!).

Now, of course, when the message is founded on the fairytale of Anglo-Israelism, logic dictates that everything which follows is invalidated. And, what follows, is based on a pattern observed in the book of Judges - whereby, the children of Israel would rebel against God and succumb to their enemies, then God would raise up a judge to deliver them from their oppressors. Watson speculated that maybe God was giving his people today (America) one of those "windows of mercy" which he allowed them during the time of the judges.

Moreover, although he never mentioned Trump or the Republicans by name, the clear implication was that God had raised them up to deliver America from its enemies (e.g. abortionists, transgender folk, homosexuals, immigrants, the mainstream media, the "deep" state, the Federal Reserve, China, and Ukraine). According to Bill, we will soon have "adult leadership" taking control of the "steering wheel." Thus, in the light of this blessed development, Mr. Watson wants to know if we are going to take advantage of this opportunity - "Are we going to do the right thing?"

Finally, although the pastor disavows the use of the term "savior," the clear implication of his message is that Trump and the Republicans are the instruments of God's mercy. In Bill's mind, Trump is the modern-day "judge" or "deliverer" of God's people in these end times. Sorry, Bill, whether you call him savior, redeemer, or judge, I believe that this is the very role that Jesus Christ was designated by Almighty God to fulfill! Hence, you'll forgive me for wondering if this is a window of mercy OR a doorway to hell! As John always reminds us, I guess time will make the outcome of this matter clear. What do you think?


  1. Although I would love to see some changes made, the President, regardless who it is, doesn't have the time or posses the real power to reform the runaway BIG systems in this country (Big government, Big pharma, Big food, Big tech, etc.). There is too much money involved for any real change. JFK thought he was going to make changes to the Federal Reserve system and we know how that worked out.

    All is going according to God's timeline and plan. This is not a window of mercy!

  2. Can you guess what CGI posted on their website?
    That's right, Bill's sermon:
    No dissonance here, we're just one big happy family - right...
