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Saturday, June 1, 2024

Dave Havir's in the same boat as Mark Armstrong, Gerald Flurry, and Bill Watson!

If you thought that support for Trump within the Armstrong Churches of God was a feature of the lunatic fringes of the movement, think again! Check out what Dave Havir's Church of God Big Sandy, Texas has posted on their Eye on the World (June 1, 2024):

• An article by Rich Lowry titled “Lefty DA Bragg Did His Evil Job in Bid to ‘Rig’ 2024 Presidential Election” was posted at nypost.com on May 30, 2024. 

• An article by Hannah Knudsen titled “Ron DeSantis: Trump Verdict Represents ‘Political Agenda of Some Kangaroo Court’ ” was posted at breitbart.com on May 30, 2024. 

• An article by Jeff Poor titled “[Ted] Cruz: ‘This Is the Most Blatant Case of Election Interference’ in Our Country’s History” was posted at breitbart.com on May 30, 2024. 

• An article by Ryan Saavedra titled “RFK Jr. (a Lifelong Democrat) Defends Trump Over Verdict: ‘Profoundly Undemocratic’ [and] ‘Will Backfire’ ” was posted at dailywire.com on May 30, 2024.

Notice the right-wing sources of these articles.

And, if you're saying to yourself, he doesn't actually tell you to vote for Trump, check out these other articles posted about Biden and the Democrats:

• An article by Ryan Saavedra titled “Far-Left Lawmakers [Ilhan Omar and Cori Bush]

Delete Memorial Day Posts After Showing They Don’t Know What It’s About” was posted at 

dailywire.com on May 27, 2024.

• An article by Michael Goodwin titled “Biden Has Spent His Presidency Painting Trump

as Abnormal – but His Recent Antics Prove It’s the Other Way Around” was posted at 

nypost.com on May 28, 2024.

• An article by Kristine Parks titled “John Legend Claims Black Voters Leaving Biden

Because of ‘Masculinity’ [and] ‘Disinformation’ on Economy” was posted at foxnews.com on 

May 29, 2024.

• An article by Emily Crane titled “Democrat California State Senator [Susan Eggman]

Blasts Party Over Pedophile Jail Sentence Fight: ‘I’m Done With Us’ ” was posted at nypost.com 

on May 30, 2024. 

• An article by Olivia Rondeau titled “ ‘FBI Lovebirds’ Peter Strzok and Lisa Page [Who

Pushed Russian Collusion Hoax Against Trump] Reach Tentative Settlement With DOJ” was 

posted at breitbart.com on May 30, 2024.

1 comment:

  1. Although I'm not a Trump fan, I will say that the timing of this whole endeavor speaks volumes. It could have been done much sooner, and because of that many believe it will work in Trump's favor.

    Also, our commander and chief boasts that no one is above the law, while his crooked son goes unprosecuted for obvious reasons.

    Just another day in D.C.
