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Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The power to create

The Israelites believed that YHWH was the Creator of everything that exists. Even today, most theists think of God as Creator. Where did they (and we) get this notion of a Creator? Is this notion strictly a product of Divine Revelation? Is it the consequence of ignorant people attempting to explain the world around them? Or could it be that it is a natural outgrowth of what we experience and observe on a daily basis?

Aren't we (along with many of the other life forms that share this planet with us) creators? We all know that a creator is one who brings something new into existence - something that didn't exist previously. A creator makes, builds or produces things. Humans design buildings, compose music, write books, make drawings, paint pictures, sculpt rocks, build machines and engage in a whole host of other creative activities. Likewise, many of the insects and animals that coexist with us on this earth dig holes, build/create nests, construct burrows and dams. Much of the plant life that exists on this planet produces/creates its own food (photosynthesis). And then there's that continuing process of creation in which every life-form on this planet engages: the reproduction of its kind.

We know that the process of creation can be characterized as being natural or artificial (generally defined as being man-made). Although much has been written about the creative process, we can distill that process into a few steps that will be recognizable to all of us. We all know that creation begins with an idea - something imagined or formulated in the mind of the creator. We all understand that some kind of planning generally goes into this process - formal, informal or a combination of the two. We all know that the creative process demands the acquisition or gathering of the resources or materials needed for the project. And, finally, we all understand that the idea has to be executed/built/assembled/implemented/made. Moreover, this is generally followed by some kind of evaluation of the function or effectiveness of that which has been created.

Is it possible that our understanding of, and participation in, this process has led us to the quite natural conclusion that there is a Master Creator somewhere out there? In short, is this ability to create things a shadow of something that is happening (or has happened) on a much grander and more profound scale? What do you think?

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